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You're here right now for a purpose—something specific Jesus told us to do. He gave us critically important instructions on what to do while we wait for His return.

Jesus told us to OCCUPY until He comes.

What does that mean?

Join Gary Keesee for this perspective-changing and profoundly impactful six-part mentorship series that will position you to do just that—OCCUPY and release the Kingdom of God into the earth until Jesus returns!


  • What it really means to occupy
  • Hot to tap into the incomparably great power you have access to right now
  • What to do when the enemy tries to come after what you've received from God
  • And much, much more!


God has so much more for you.

You are called to be a light in the darkness. You are called for such a time as this.

It's time to OCCUPY all of the territory God has for you!

Unfinished Business

See the opportunity.

Don't leave your dreams on the table.

Get ready to discover how to accelerate your success and reach your dreams!

Did you know that over 80% of Americans don't like their jobs? So, why do they keep getting up each morning to go to a job that they hate? Because paying the bills has replaced their vision. Debt has hijacked their freedom and caused them to give up on their dreams.

Unfinished Business: Nine Laws for Acceleration puts everything on the table and walks you through the steps to change your mindset your thinking to one of opportunity and acceleration, so you don't leave any of your dreams, your impact, or your God-designed destiny unfinished.

With his combination of practical insights, stories, and Scriptures, Gary Keesee walks you through the simple steps to go from just surviving to thriving.

Gary and his wife, Drenda, were the poster children for debt and dysfunction. Fear consumed Gary's life to the point where he was on antidepressants and struggled to get out of bed in the morning. Then, as he started applying the steps revealed in this book, he was able to go from struggling to overcoming.

With over 30 years of experience, Gary has helped countless people realize their God-given dreams and purposes. He wants to help you win in life, take territory, and make sure that you leave no unfinished business behind.

Get ready to experience acceleration!

Occupy: Exercise Your God-Given Authority with
Unfinished Business: Nine Laws for Acceleration

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