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Did you know that 85% of people are UNHAPPY at their current job? A recent study in 2018 says that 49% of Americans bring home $30,000 a year or LESS and 40% of the population can't write a check for $400 without first planning for it.

Can you imagine the stress of living that way, worried about every penny, just surviving?

Gary Keesee can because that is how he lived for nine LONG years! He wasn't just living paycheck to paycheck he was DROWNING in debt, unable to provide for his wife and family, and he had nowhere else to turn.

Gary discovered his answer in the Kingdom of God, and so can you!

Join Gary Keesee in this eye-opening, powerful continuation of the Your Financial Revolution book series and discover the Power of Provision! You are called to do something specific. You have an assignment. YOU CAN take authority over your life and prosper in your God-designed dreams!

The Power of Provision Book by Gary Keesee

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