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Buckle your seat belt, Friend! Warp speed is an extremely high speed of change, development, or movement. We expect God to move in your life at an unprecedented rate. What used to take years to manifest will spring up quickly! God needs you and the plan that He has for you.

Destiny isn't a place; it's people. God wants to empower you and fill you with His wisdom and strategy to impact people. In this powerful 5-part teaching, you'll receive the keys to reach more people with God's strategy for you. So, get ready to learn how to travel with God at warp speed!


Main Session One: "It's About Significance" by Gary Keesee

You are an amazing story waiting to happen! Where do you want to go? You have to have a destination or you'll never get there. Most people live in self-inflicted walls of mediocrity, but now is the time to break out! Join Gary for this powerful main session as he shares the keys you need to live a life of significance.



Main Session Two: "Excellence Is in the Little Things" by Dave Anderson

The Law of Attraction in business is this: You don't attract what you want; you attract what you are. Excellence is about taking care of what you have. Join Dave in this quotable main session as he challenges you to live a life of excellence. Excellence is found in the small things!



Main Session Three: "Warp Speed" by Gary Keesee

Warp Speed is not possible by yourself. You are not bound by the ordinary way. Warp speed is available to you. Getting things done in the Kingdom will take supernatural speed and wisdom. Join Gary in this fast-paced main session as he encourages you to finish your assignment and prepare to enter the Promised Land.



Main Session Four: "Train like an Athlete, Live like a Champion" by Dave Anderson

If you want to live a game-changer's life, you've got to do what most people aren't willing to do. Excellence is impossible without talent. You have to be wise enough to know what you're not good at. Success leaves clues, and so does failure. Join Dave for this practical and applicable main session as he shares the secrets that champions live by.



Main Session Five: "The Power of Celebration" by Gary and Drenda Keesee

When you start on a marriage journey with God, you think everything will be rosy. It's not. There's warfare. You're one in spirit, but you have to become one in the flesh. Join Gary and Drenda as they tag-team on the importance of partnership, leadership in marriage, and the power of celebration.


Warp Speed - Provision 5 CD Set Main Sessions

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